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Cyber Security (3)

a key with an attached fob saying

3 min read

What are Passkeys and should they be replacing our passwords?

Passkeys are the newest weapon in the fight against credential theft and they’re set to become the norm across the net in the near future. It’s new...

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cartoon of a hand stealing credentials from a laptop

3 min read

What is push-bombing and how can you prevent it?

In this blog we look at push-bombing – what is it and how to avoid it.

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A digital padlock in front of 3 computers

2 min read

How to send files via secure links with Microsoft Teams

Email has long been the default method of sharing files, but it’s not always the most efficient or secure way. Fortunately, Microsoft Teams offers a...

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Cyber security graphic

3 min read

6 things you should do to handle data privacy updates

Once data began going digital, authorities realised a need to protect it. Thus, the creation of data privacy rules and regulations to address cyber...

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A smart phone lying on a table

3 min read

What is app fatigue & why is it a security issue?

The number of apps and web tools that employees use regularly continues to increase. Most departments have about 40-60 different digital tools that...

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A woman looking at a computer screen surrounded by other devices

3 min read

These everyday objects can lead to identity theft

You wouldn’t think a child’s toy could lead to identify theft. But this happens all the time. What about your rubbish bin sitting outside? Is it a...

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Padlock sitting on a keyboard

3 min read

6 steps to effective vulnerability Management for your technology

Vulnerability Management is an important aspect of IT these days and is a constant battle against time.

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reduce the cost of a data breach

3 min read

4 ways to reduce the cost of a data breach

No business wants to suffer a data breach. But unfortunately, in today’s environment, it’s difficult to completely avoid them. Approximately 83% of...

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A criminal taking someone's money via a mobile phone

3 min read

Phishing, smishing and scams

Phishing (emails), Smishing (SMS) and scams are rampant and only getting worse. Awareness and training are the best defence that any company can give...

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laptop showing an attention symbol

3 min read

Have you had data exposed in one of these recent data breaches

Data breaches are in the news just about every day. Organisations of all sizes are targeted and this leads to a wide variety of data getting stolen...

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