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it baseline standard.

our unique benchmark that we use to measure your organisation’s it against best practice

it baseline standard

it's important to know what good looks like.

Our it baseline standard sets clear definitions across all your it.

what is it?

Our it baseline standard defines a benchmark that we and our customers are contractually obligated to meet.

The document goes into extensive detail to ensure that everything is clear and unambiguous..

what is it for?

We intend to remove uncertainty, promote strategic planning and cultivate an informed decision-making process.

It empowers you to attain minimum information, technology, and security standards. It instructs us on how to keep you safe and how we deliver the best possible service to you.

What is it?

Our it baseline standard defines a benchmark that we and our customers are contractually obligated to meet.

The document goes into extensive detail to ensure that everything is clear and unambiguous..

What is it for?

We intend to remove uncertainty, promote strategic planning and cultivate an informed decision-making process.

It empowers you to attain minimum information, technology, and security standards. It instructs us on how to keep you safe and how we deliver the best possible service to you.

for business owners...

As a business owner, you seek assurances from new IT suppliers that they will look after your best interests, and that you can put your trust in them. 

Our it baseline standard takes current guidance and recommendations from industry experts and builds on 25 years experience supporting businesses just like yours. We want to earn your trust with our honest and upfront approach to IT service delivery.

for decision makers...

We want to remove uncertainty, promote strategic planning, and cultivate an informed decision-making process.

The it baseline standard empowers you to attain minimum information, technology, and security standards, simplifying the decision making process.  It allows you plan your IT strategy and budgets and helps you focus on what you do best.

for finance...

You want to budget for IT spend across the year and limit unplanned expenditure. You also want to know that your team is as productive as possible and that the business is protected from disaster and lost revenue.

The it baseline standard helps you set budgets, make timely purchasing decisions and limit losses when failures occur. Maximise your ROI and reduce your total cost of ownership.

for employees...

You want to get your problems fixed as fast as possible? You hate waiting in call queues, slow responses and speaking to someone who doesn't know how to fix your problem.

The it baseline standard helps our team help you. Standardised, up-to-date, optimised systems reduce support issues and increase the speed of resolution times, helping you work smarter, faster and more secure.

the 10 core elements of the it baseline standard cover all aspects of information, technology, and security



how we support your IT so that you focus on what you do best

From proactive monitoring to remote and onsite support it is critical that your systems are updated, secure and compliant and that you can resolve issues promptly with access to experts when you need it, minimising business disruption when issues arise.


strategy &

how we align your IT to your business goals

Understanding the business needs, goals, and objectives to help you make the best use of technology, empowering the business and allowing you to focus on what you do best.

We consider all aspects of IT strategy including risk analysis, IT procurement, IT budgeting and digital transformation to plan your technology roadmap.


policies & training

How we set policies and train your users in line with our IT Baseline Standard helping the whole team follow best practice

Policies should identify risks and specify best practice. Ensuring that policies are communicated to all employees and that they have understood and accepted is critical to the success of your IT strategy.

Training for staff needs to be relevant and measurable to help them understand and implement the agreed policies.



How we identify cyber threats and help you to follow best practice leading to Cyber Essentials certification

Protecting your business is critical. Monitoring, together with regular training and updates on best practice is key. Implementing simulated phishing attacks, dark web monitoring, password managers, penetration tests and desktop simulation exercises all play a part in providing confidence in protection and response.

Attaining Cyber Essentials is the ultimate objective, which is why regular security reviews are essential, leading to certification, which allows the business to demonstrate its commitment to customers and stakeholders.



How we identify, label and protect your data in line with the GDPR

Identifying the data that your business generates or consumes and your roles as a data processor or controller under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Policies that define how and where data can be accessed or stored, and by whom are required. Users need educating in what they can and cannot do with company, customer and personal data. Systems also need configuring to protect data and ensure use only in line with agreed policies. Being able to audit, report and provide subject access requests when required.


accounts &

How we protect your data and ensure compliance and accountability

The business should limit staff access to the information they need by securing systems and restricting admin access. A business-class password management system helps to ensure unique, strong passwords for every account.

Password managers also help control the use of and access to shared credentials when unavoidable. Multi-factor authentication is required whenever possible to increase security and reduce risk.



How we ensure backups, check integrity and plan for disasters

Based on the 3-2-1 backup standard, we look to achieve 3 copies of your data, 2 on different media and at least 1 in the cloud. Modern cloud systems are not immune to failure or compromise. We help you understand your Recovery Time Objectives and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO & RTO).

These allow you to understand how long you can be down and how much data you can lose in a disaster. Testing backups provides confidence that they will work as planned should they be needed. Defining business continuity and disaster recovery strategies is critical. Disaster simulation roleplay allows you to understand and test your response to a range of business disruption scenarios such as ransomware attacks.


devices &

How we help you protect and manage your devices and infrastructure to maximise operational effectiveness and minimise security risks

All devices need to be part of an inventory that is managed and controlled. The business needs to know which devices each user has, where they are, what they are for, and how they are managed.

Keeping your devices updated with manufacturer updates, drivers and software is a cornerstone of security compliance. As is protecting devices from malware, encrypting data, ensuring safe Wi-Fi and internet connectivity.



How we help you manage and support your business applications.

From onboarding new staff members, by ensuring that they have the correct licenses, configuration, and security permissions, to offboarding, revoking permissions, and protecting data when they leave.

Business application support demands that staff can quickly resolve issues so that valuable productivity time is not lost. Staff need to get the most from business applications through access to support, training and documentation when required.



How we help your team work remotely, Maximising flexibility and minimising security risks.

Ensuring that company devices and data is protected whilst working on the move or at home is critical to the modern workforce. It is crucial that devices are protected, have appropriate security applied and that your team know and understand the risks of working remote and how to stay secure.

Comfort, ergonomics, and productivity are also considerations for each member of your team.

it support


strategy &

policies &



accounts &

backup &

devices &




Strategy and Management

Policies and Training





cyber security

Proactive tools and actions needed to identify and protect from cyber threats and enable your business to achieve the Cyber Essentials certification.

data protection

Steps needed to identify, label and protect your data in strict compliance with the GDPR.

accounts and passwords

How to help your team to manage their accounts and passwords to maximise security.





backup and recovery

How secure backups must be scheduled, monitored and tested, along with rehearsed plans to prepare for disasters.

devices and networking

Specifications and configurations for your IT equipment to maximise efficiency and minimise security risks.

business applications

Guidance and requirements for managing and supporting your business applications.

remote working

How to help your team successfully work remotely, maximising flexibility and minimising the accompanying security risks.

the it baseline standard is a core requirement of our all-in-one managed it support service

our friendly team are hear to answer your questions about the IT Baseline Standard or all-in-one IT Support

get in touch
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