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A smart phone lying on a table

3 min read

What is app fatigue & why is it a security issue?

The number of apps and web tools that employees use regularly continues to increase. Most departments have about 40-60 different digital tools that they use. 71% of employees feel they use so many apps that it makes work more complex, and it can be...

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A woman looking at a computer screen surrounded by other devices

3 min read

These everyday objects can lead to identity theft

You wouldn’t think a child’s toy could lead to identify theft. But this happens all the time. What about your rubbish bin sitting outside? Is it a...

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Padlock sitting on a keyboard

3 min read

6 steps to effective vulnerability Management for your technology

Vulnerability Management is an important aspect of IT these days and is a constant battle against time.

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Microsoft Forms

3 min read

What is Microsoft Forms? One of the handiest tools in Microsoft 365

Microsoft Forms is one of the handiest apps you get with a Microsoft 365 subscription is Microsoft Forms

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padlock beside a model globe

3 min read

Data backup is not enough, you also need data protection

The need to backup data has been around since floppy disks. Data loss happens due to viruses, hard drive crashes, and other mishaps. Most people...

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Person typing on a laptop

3 min read

Why every company is now a technology company

Whether you sell shoes or run an accounting firm, you need some type of technology to operate. Today’s companies aren’t just in the business of...

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reduce the cost of a data breach

3 min read

4 ways to reduce the cost of a data breach

No business wants to suffer a data breach. But unfortunately, in today’s environment, it’s difficult to completely avoid them. Approximately 83% of...

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Group of people in discussion around a table

3 min read

The pros & cons of tracking your employee’s every digital movement

Since the pandemic, employers around the world have needed to change. They’ve had to shift how their employees operate. Remote work is very much here...

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A criminal taking someone's money via a mobile phone

3 min read

Phishing, smishing and scams

Phishing (emails), Smishing (SMS) and scams are rampant and only getting worse. Awareness and training are the best defence that any company can give...

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3 min read

How is the metaverse going to change business?

The new buzzword around town is “metaverse.” But what does that actually mean? And how is the metaverse going to change business? Is it just...

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