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Data security – who can we trust?

Written by itfoundations | Oct 12, 2017 3:45:00 PM

As fresh information (or is it disinformation?) emerges over the alleged security breach of Kaspersky software, how can we trust the software and systems that we use and depend on every day? With GDPR just around the corner it would be ironic if as resellers we were selling systems to customers that actually perpetuated data leakage rather than prevented it.

Is the Kaspersky revelation just the tip of the iceberg?

Given fallout from the Snowden affair suggesting the US propagated malware of its own in a bid to mine intelligence data; and that now not just one but two governments appear to have piggybacked on Kaspersky’s products, it seems only right that we should be very concerned.

Increasingly, it appears almost futile to prevent if not limit the dissemination of our personal data to the multitude of online service providers whose services we use each day, but as business owners, demonstrating a duty of care will be even more challenging.

As part of our GDPR readiness toolkit, we have already been reviewing our product portfolio to ensure that we have appropriate solutions for our customers' data protection needs. You can be assured that we are not taking this Kaspersky incident lightly and that we will apply even more stringent due diligence tests in the future.

Our GDPR toolkit includes support with:

  • GDPR Audit

  • GDPR Compliance Training

  • GDPR Complete Compliance

This Trend is Set to Continue. If you are concerned about the current GDPR practices of your business, get in touch with one of our consultants for a free review.